Our mission
Based on Christian values, we exist to enable people and organizations invested in their communities to find solutions to their strategic and operational challenges, and acquire the knowledge, skills, and expertise needed to succeed!
Our vision
We want to see people, communities, and organizations meeting their God-given purpose and potential to thrive in a rapidly changing world.
Our core values
Our core values are rooted in our faith and commitment to Christian principles which are:
1. Servant leadership - we believe that leaders are called to serve and support their teams and the broader society rather than seeking power or authority for personal gain.
2. Love and compassion - we are driven by a sense of caring for others, helping those in need, and promoting a spirit of empathy and kindness.
3. Integrity - strive for high ethical standards and integrity in all our interactions and dealings with clients and partners. Honesty, transparency, and moral principles are highly valued.
4. Learning and humility - we live in an imperfect world and we believe that we can learn from ourselves and others to do better each day.
Meet our CEO
Adonis A. Sucalit
Adonis is the founder of Cornerstone Leadership and Management Solutions Inc. He recently formalized and set-up the company in early 2023 as he transitioned to full-time management consulting as a business to pursue his passion in organizational and people development, equipping them to succeed and achieve their own missions or goals. He is an entrepreneur, a leader and a people manager, who has led and supported high performing teams to deliver a results-based strategies effectively and efficiently. He has a proven track record of leading and developing organizations or business innovations to scale towards growing a dynamic and progressive organization.
His leadership and management experience includes leading corporate strategy and planning, field operations, innovation and project development, financial strategy and management, partnerships and resource mobilization, organizational development and change, capacity development and capacity-building, training/facilitation, and people management. His industry experience covers water bottling and distribution, crystals manufacturing, petrochemicals, industrial gas, power generation, real estate, sunglass retailing, accounting and management consulting, and more recently, maritime shipping/ferries. In terms of sectoral experience, his nonprofit and government roles supported issues on governance and local democracy, civil society development, diaspora engagement, volunteering for development, community development, education, water & sanitation (WASH), livelihoods, disability, peace building, reproductive health and HIV/AIDS.
Certified as a Project Management Professional (PMP) by the Project Management Institute, Don holds a Master’s Degree in Public Policy (National University of Singapore) and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics (University of the Philippines). Don is actively serving as a volunteer for a few organizations such as being a Board of Director, Philippine Center Canada; Director Auxiliary Squadron, 215th Squadron Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary; and as an Advisory Committee member of PM4NGOs. He also serves in his local church, Christ Commission Fellowship (CCF) Ottawa-Gatineau (www.ccfottawagatineau.ca).

Meet our team of experts
Jay Lacsamana
With an extensive career spanning over three decades, Jay stands as a seasoned social development professional who has excelled in leadership, management, and technical consulting across a diverse spectrum of organizations. His wealth of experience encompasses pivotal roles within social enterprise resource institutions, corporate foundations, international and local NGOs, government financial institutions, microfinance-oriented rural banks and cooperatives, foreign-assisted projects implemented by multilateral institutions, and Philippine government agencies.
His expertise shines particularly in strategic planning, economic development policy, planning and the whole project development cycle (project development, evaluation, implementation, M&E), agriculture, agrarian reform, and environmental and natural resources sectors. Notably, his specialized focus over the past decade is on social enterprise development, inclusive finance and impact investing, fostering biodiversity-friendly enterprises, forging transformational partnerships in agricultural value chains and women's economic empowerment, and adeptly managing a debt-for-development swap endowment fund for civil society with a total portfolio of US$18 million. His proficiency further extends to public sector thrift banking, rural banking, and microfinance operations.
Jay is a regular member, research fellow and consultant of the Institute for Social Entrepreneurship in Asia (ISEA), an active member and former board treasurer of the Center for Empowerment, Innovation and Training on Renewable Energy (CENTRE), and chairperson of the Diliman Bible Church (DBC) board of trustees. He holds a Master's degree in Public Policy from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and completed his Bachelor of Arts at the University of the Philippines.
French C. Vibar
French Vibar is our learning & development lead consultant with over eighteen years’ experience in guiding organizations towards excellence through strategic talent development interventions. She makes it her mission to empower individuals and collectives to build their capacity to support development initiatives at national and sub-national levels, especially at the community. She brings a learner-centric approach to our work, where individual development is at the heart of organizational success and deploy strategies designed to align with the unique business goals or mission of the organization. She has done extensive work in the areas of workplace learning and performance management, volunteer programme development and management, the development of training curriculum and training of trainers, and is an expert in the art of facilitation. Her global experience spans across Southern and Eastern Africa, and Southeast Asia.
Ana Marie Dizon
Ana Marie Dizon is an international development and humanitarian professional with a combined experience of over 30 years in the field. She has worked in the humanitarian context in the Philippines and Liberia, responding to the Ebola disease outbreak, conflict-based displacements, and super typhoons; she has worked in various capacities as humanitarian performance/M&E specialist, technical project specialist on resettlement, GBV and SRH, as partnership convenor/coordination specialist, as programme manager - focusing on localisation, and in the past four years on anticipatory action. As a development professional her work covered a wide range of issues from poverty, housing rights and urban displacement, gender and development, youth engagement, national and international volunteerism, micro-finance, local health governance, and project evaluation, in Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand and Bangladesh. She has done work in various capacities with international organisations such as UNICEF, UNFPA, VSO, RTI, Tearfund, Action Aid, Christian Aid, CARE, Caritas, EY India, Start Network and the World Bank.
Ana has a master’s degree in International Crisis Management from Monash University, and advanced studies in humanitarian action, and health in emergencies from the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies (formerly CERAH Geneve).
Jessa Mae Quiras
Jessa is a monitoring, evaluation and learning consultant who is an advocate for impact measurement and social impact management with over 10 years experience in the field of community development, education, health, nutrition and emergency response programs. She has held positions in international NGOs based in Ottawa, Canada; Barcelona, Spain; and Phoenix, Arizona. She has conducted participatory monitoring and evaluation studies, including the use of most significant change (MSC) story method.